Hi. My name is Kornelija and I am a Front End Developer

Product Feedback App preview

The Product Feedback App

Technologies used:

This is a product feedback app, meant for submitting feedback and responding to already submitted feedback by other users.

Current features:

  • -Sort feedback by: Most Upvotes, Least Upvotes, Most Comments, Least Comments
  • -Filter feedback by category
  • -View roadmap
  • -View comments left on specific feedback
  • -Upvote feedback
  • -Add new feedback
  • -Edit previously submitted feedback
  • -Comment and reply to comments

Built with React and CSS Modules

Mood tracker app preview

The Mood Tracker App

Technologies used:

This is a mood tracking app, meant for tracking your mood and getting movie, book and playlist suggestions based on the mood chosen for the day.

Current features:

  • -Choose a mood and get it logged in the calendar
  • -Get movie, book and playlist suggestions based on your mood
  • -View your previously logged mood in the calendar and see suggestions that were given for that day
  • -Change your mood for a previous day and get new fitting suggestions

Built with React and Styled Components

Tip calculator app preview

The Tip Calculator App

Technologies used:

This is a tip calculator app that takes in user input (bill amount, custom tip and number of people) and calculates the tip and total amount of the bill per person.

Current features:

  • -Calculate total bill amount with the tip included
  • -See the tip amount based on the bill amount
  • -Choose from predefined tip amounts
  • -Put in a custom tip amount
  • -Put in amount of people for bill splitting
  • -Reset input fields

Built with React and Styled Components.

Travel app preview

The Travel App

Technologies used:

This is a travel information app that allows the user to input a city and future date and receive weather information and a photo of the entered city.

APIs used:

  • -Geonames API
  • -Weatherbit API
  • -Pixabay API

Built with Express and SASS